First blog post
So this is my first blog post on WordPress. I had tried to do the daily blog at Tumblr but I found myself getting extremely distracted. There is a lot of activity on Tumblr. This is a good thing but man is it loud. I would want to post something and then I get distracted and all of a sudden I forget to update my tumblr with my content. I was also thinking that maybe original content on tumblr in word form isn’t the best way to learn how to write. That site is very visual and I don’t believe that it is okay for writing. I decided to move my domain name here to practice blogging before I get my own site. It was cheap about $13.00 and I don’t mind the ads. Nothing in life is free. Until next time. ***I recently switched back to Blogger due to the fact that I don't have the time or money to maintain a hosted blog.