May Update

Things are going well with me. I am still adjusting to getting things done while being a new mother. I’m still trying to figure out how my mom got things done while having three children and working full time. I’m only working part time with one baby and it seems like there is just  not enough hours in the day. It’s all about trial and error.
I'm happy to say that I am now in the field that I got my degree in.  I’m learning so much and I am beyond grateful for the opportunity. I honestly felt like giving up and changing careers to something that would be a soul suck. Glad I stuck with it. Now my main goal is to take my engineering in training exam. For that I need to study. So I am going to dedicate an hour each day this summer to studying. I plan on taking it before fall season  TV shows are back. I have to be realistic with myself, I won’t study when my shows are on.  So wish me luck.

Well I have been taking things slow in this area. I haven’t been sharing my work as much as I should.  The thing is social networks take up a lot of my time. I’ve had to choose which ones took the least amount of time but allowed me to efficiently follow all my favorite artists. That turned out to be twitter. I go on Facebook maybe two times a month now. Tumblr even less. Others I haven’t been on since January. I apologize but that is just how it is. I need to figure out an automatic sharing thing through IFTTT. Although I won’t be able to engage too many people.
I am still working on my comic. I’m making slow progress. Right now I have 12pages sketched out and ready for refined sketches. I’ll get a critique on it once I finish that phase.
I’ve been thinking about opening an Etsy or get an online store at store envy. But I feel as though I need to have things more streamline before I do so. Any platform that I choose will need to be promoted. Yeah lots more planning to do.
New projects –I’m learning how to sew!
I have always wanted to learn how to sew and make my own clothes but I never had the time or money for the right kind of sewing machine. A few weeks ago I saw a great deal on Amazon for a sewing machine and I decided to go ahead and get it. I am so excited to start my journey in learning. Unlike art where I had to tech myself and do extensive research, I have a great teacher in my mother who has +years experience in the fashion industry and is available for me to ask questions if I ever get stuck.


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